On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Dave Hansen <d...@sr71.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-07-29 at 20:26 -0400, Anthony wrote:
>> But as I've shown (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/44945783)
>> the tlids don't even make sense.  "tiger:tlid =
>> 86486485:86486486:86486387;
>> 86507262:86489492:86507324:86490164:86489590:86489573:86490037:86489467:86490875:86490202:86499582:86497723:86486483:86486384:86486386:86520528:86520529:86489713:86489637:86489612:86489601"?
>>  Just for that short little bridge?
> In reality, the bridge was probably only a portion of one of those
> tlids.
> During the import, we joined all of the neighboring tlids with the same
> name to form ways.  After the import, someone came along and split that
> way back up to form the bridge.  The tlids represent the original set of
> data from which the bridge might have come.  I hope that makes it more
> clear at least how we got here.

I'm fully aware of how it got that way.  That's why I'm so keen on
deleting it.  If the tlids represent "the original set of data from
which the bridge might have come", then it's best off in the history.

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