On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Kevin Atkinson <ke...@atkinson.dhs.org>wrote:

> So I would like to know has anyone tried to get the wiki page changed so
> that it is not so rigid?
feel free to do so, if there is an acceptable agreement or the wiki just
doesn't make sense. the wiki is as open as osm. there is lot of "wrong" info
and missing docu about real mapping usage

> Or do people here really think everything should be expand to the fullest.
> Really, would anyone say: "United States Highway 29".  Rather than "U S
> Highway 29" or more likely just "U S 29".
you know the answer. I think a lot of the expansion is wrong. we should map
what is on the ground and what can be verified. If people write address with
abbreviations and signs use abbreviations there is no reason to have
expanded names in osm

> In the above example would anyone write out the directional suffix.  In
> fact Alan didn't even know if that would be "Northwest" or "NorthWest".
I think typically this isn't part of a name at all. Are people using it in
an address for mailing? how is it written in official records?
how would anyone do a search for a street? there are many corner cases so
there is no simple yes or no

> At least "1st" hasn't been expand to "First", etc.  But just wait...
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