At the risk of being accused of letting a good argument die...

At 2010-08-07 13:28, Paul Johnson wrote:
On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 15:52:31 -0700, Dave Hansen wrote:
> Please keep them.  They're not hurting anything.

Mapper fatigue.  I don't really see how anything beyond tiger:reviewed=no
and tiger:tlid= tags are useful at this point, save to make tags more
difficult to sift through by human editors.

Except that a number of people have made cases for wanting to have this data remain, at least for now. It is not in the spirit of the project to step on data that others create and/or want, regardless of whether you agree with their need or not, unless it is dead wrong and misleading.

TIGER:* (and many other import something:*) tags are in their own namespace to make it clear that they are the raw values from an import. Until those values serve no purpose to anyone (and a few have said that they still do), they should remain.

If it's fatiguing for you, I'll accept that, even though I don't see that myself when using Potlatch or JOSM. Let's modify whatever editor you use to hide those tags for you if you want.

I am also seeing instances of gnis:* tags getting removed in the process of creating closed ways for those features, instead of those tags being copied to the new closed ways.

Alan Mintz <>

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