On 10/15/2010 09:44 PM, Richard Welty wrote:
I don't think we should be storing any prefix as part of the network=*
or ref=* tags (thus my suggestion for
network=us_route/state_route/county_route or similar). For example the
"I-x" denotation shouldn't show up anywhere in our tags. If it's an
interstate it should be tagged as such (I suggest network=interstate
but I think there's a precedent on the wiki) and the renderer can add
the "I-" if it wants to.

i agree, it's a rendering prefix for a ref tag value and deserves
its own, separate tag.

For relations I agree, but for ways this doesn’t work. And as renderers can only handle ways for now…

Sans prefices, the highway=motorway where US Highway 10, Wisconsin Highway 66, and Interstate Highway 39 run together would have ref=10;66;39. Not very useful for determining which is which.

i've seen an argument that the correct network value for a county
route involves using the actual county name, e.g.

I wouldn’t say it’s wrong. “Unnecessary” probably, since county roads / highways / trunk highways don’t, as far as I know, have different signs within a state.

For the curious, I documented CTH for the county highway ref= prefix partly because I’m from Wisconsin, but mostly because the three-character designation is not likely to be mistaken for a state or country designation. (I know it’s possible to have the renderer look at where the way is, but it's a hell of a lot simpler to just read the prefix)

—Alex Mauer “hawke”

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