On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It appears that User:NE2 has added a tag "NHS_High_Priority_Corridor" to
> hundred of ways around the country. Has anyone seen such an automated edit
> proposal anywhere on the mailing lists?
> Not only is this tag named inconsistantly with the rest of the tags we've
> used in the past (I'd rather see it show up as "nhs:high priority corridor"
> or something, but the tag should be on the route relation, not the ways.
> Any opinions? Otherwise I will probably end up reverting the changes in my
> area.

Sure would be nice to see people following more / all of the import


There seem to be many steps missing from this import, not least of
all, the "discuss it first", "document it on the wiki", "check the
license", and "use an import-specific account" guidelines.

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