On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Alan Mintz
<alan_mintz+...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Looks like any road that was last edited by balrog-kun is set to red,
> regardless of where it came from originally.

Yes, yesterday we determined that the TIGER edited map only looks at
the latest version of a way. However I had assumed that the name
expansion edit only operated on TIGER ways but this seems to not be
the case. This will not affect the map on my blog since I'm explicitly
only looking at ways with a tiger:county tag but it will indeed affect
the TIGER edited map that MQ is providing. I'm not sure there is an
easy fix for this. I guess you could add maxspeed= or lanes= tags to
the ways and "take them back" :)


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