On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I really don't want to run into the situation we currently have with NHD
> where everyone is doing the conversion with different tools using different
> sets of mapping files and uploading in different ways. Let's have a
> discussion about how this should be pulled off first.
> Having said that: let's start a thread here about getting the TIGER data
> moving along.

Would someone have enough resources to convert all of the TIGER 2010
shapefiles into OSM XML data and load that into a blank OSM database
with a new Mapnik instance (with a custom style) as well?  That way
you could use the TIGER 2010 data as a background in JOSM or Potlatch
for people to review the data at least and perhaps could be used to
manually trace new data into OSM.

> What steps can we take to move the shapefiles in to OSM
> format? How can we collaborate on the mapping to OSM tags?

I'd start with getting a wiki page set up with the types of
information that is stored in the TIGER 2010 shapefiles.

Jeff Ollie

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