How about changing:
- UID must be balrog_kun or DaveHansenTiger
- (UID=balrog_kun and changeset in list_of_changesets) or

where list_of_changesets is the list of changeset IDs that were used for
the name expansion.

This won't work either because balrog_kun may have un-abbreviated a road that had previously been edited.

  It currently looks correct, in pseudo code,

Not Edited = (user:DaveHansenTiger AND (Date between 2007-09-01 and 2008-05-04)
OR  (user:Milenko and (Date between 2008-10-29 and 2007-12-12) )
OR (user:balrog-kun and version<3)

I believe that is the correct logic. The scripts of balrog-kun that I've seen only automatically un-abbreviate TIGER ways, so there shouldn't be any false positives.

   Any non-TIGER ways won't meet this criteria, and thus shouldn't be red.

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