At 2011-01-24 18:12, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
> How about changing:
> Â  Â  Â  Â - UID must be balrog_kun or DaveHansenTiger
> to:
> Â  Â  Â  Â - (UID=balrog_kun and changeset in list_of_changesets) or
> UID=DaveHansenTiger
> where list_of_changesets is the list of changeset IDs that were used for the
> name expansion.

That would work I guess but still not for 100% cases, so I think the
difference isn't worth the effort.

Nothing's 100%, but why shouldn't we try to do the best we can? Unless I'm missing something, it would be very little effort to modify the query to add what I've proposed. The resulting map should be a very useful tool in finding things that need review. I'm using it already.

Alan Mintz <>

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