truly. i've spent a lot of time immersed in Antietam and the Maryland
Campaign of 1862 and would love to figure out a way to convey some
of that.

On 3/8/11 8:30 PM, Steven Johnson wrote:
So, Steve - when you made your initial query, did you have something in mind?

There are scads of sites scattered throughout the Mid-Atlantic area and, as you can see, a number of us with both interest and experience with mapping historical sites. If we can bring our resources to bear (I'm thinking MappingDC...) I think it could be a really awesome project.


-- SEJ

t: @geomantic
s: sejohnson8
"A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 17:09, Richard Welty < <>> wrote:

    historical mapping can be hard. i have the resources to do a bunch
    of it for
    the Civil War, but the tagging system doesn't support a lot of the
    data and
    it would just make a mess  of the map, i think, right now.

    but there are cases where we could tag historic road names where
    they differ
    in a significant way from current names without too much trouble.
    this wouldn't
    add clutter.

    On 3/8/11 5:05 PM, Steven Johnson wrote:
    FWIW, when we mapped at Manassas, we mapped what's on the ground
    now. Not to say there couldn't be other approaches, but we didn't
    really have a plan in hand to do historical mapping.

    -- SEJ
    t: @geomantic
    s: sejohnson8
    "A serious and good philosophical work could be written
    consisting entirely of jokes." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein

    On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 16:40, Richard Welty
    < <>> wrote:

        definitely. i've done some mapping of the Antietam
        Battlefield Park,
        and would love to do more.

        how do you (SteveC) envision this? there are numerous things
        that can be
        mapped, but some would seem pretty unreasonable to attempt in OSM
        as it is now (e.g., showing all the unit locations during the
        day at Antietam
        as they appear on the 1908 Cope maps).

        On 3/8/11 3:39 PM, Steven Johnson wrote:
        I would definitely be interested. We had a mapping party at
        Manassas Battlefield last June, but there are so many other
        battlefields within an easy drive of WashDC that need
        greater visibility on the map. And now that the weather is
        moderating, it would be a great time to do some historical

        On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 05:00, Steve Coast
        < <>> wrote:


            Anyone interested in mapping civil war sites, maybe with
            a mapping party? I mention because the anniversaries are
            all coming up.

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