On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net> wrote:
> i'm debating whether or not i want to set up a parallel database, using
> the OSM design, to contain historical data that can be used in a mashup
> with OSM, and opening it up for historically minded mappers to use as
> a laboratory for experiments in how one would tag this stuff.

Actually, what might be really interesting is having a wikispaces type
hosting environment where anyone could set up a separate OSM instance
with a separate database, rails port, mapnik rendering with a custom
stylesheet etc.

This would be interesting to map historic data that's not appropriate
for the main OSM database (for example, one OSM-space per
battlefield), or to experiment with nonstandard tagging, or to create
maps with non-OSM compatible licenses (although I would discourage the

Jeff Ollie

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