
I read on the Talk US forum that I have made a mistake on a state boundary near Four Corners. Specifically, you said I had "screwed up" the border. It would have been helpful if you had contacted me directly and worked with me to fix that mistake. I wish you had given me the courtesy that you apparently gave ToeBee in trying to work with him to change the mistake. To my knowledge, I have made no changes to the state borders in the Four Corners area, though I have worked on many roads in that area. What was the date of the change, and how large was the error? You did not provide specific information in your posting. Also, before you post publicly that someone in OSM has "screwed up," I think that, at the least, you should discuss the situation with that person off-list. Using terms, such as "screwed up," is not helpful to our mutual effort of creating an open-source map of the world. I'm sure we all are trying to do our best and welcome feedback about mistakes, if it is given in a helpful and positive manner. I hope you will keep that in mind for the future.

Charlotte Wolter

Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California

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