Santa Clara county was sued successfully, but not on a federal level. State
of California has the same PD rules and this can be used only for California
state and county data.
Don't have the link available right now but it can be found in the archives
of talk-us
But still you may need to check data offered at CASIL website. It is a mix
of state and data provided by private companies. One example is Greeninfo
data which is not PD.

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Alan Mintz <>wrote:

> At 2011-03-23 04:22, Dale Puch wrote:
> A quick note, do not confuse public records as always meaning public
> domain.
> Some states may not have laws specifically preventing agencies from
> claiming copyright, not apply to all levels of government, or have
> exceptions to which works.
> IE. I think it was Michigan that specifically copyrights it's gis data.
> Some "offical" state clearinghouses may claim copyright on what should be
> public domain from the various agencies.
> is the best
> compilation of sources and notes about them I know of for our use.  I would
> suggest to update it with any information you come up with.
> Hasn't there been recent case law, though, that enforces a federal
> principle (?) that any data produced by a government agency must be public
> domain (excepting obvious things like national security)? Wasn't Santa Clara
> County, California sued successfully?
> --
> Alan Mintz <>
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