On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 2:42 AM, Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 9/14/2011 10:50 PM, Bill Ricker wrote:
>> And the sweep of Victory makes it not a useful shortcut to anywhere.
> I assume you mean Vista? Anyway, it could be used as a shortcut, but not
> much shorter than CR 535: http://g.co/maps/6uzx9

Right, from almost everywhere to almost everywhere, 535 would be better than
Vista. As long as the marked cast-member-only section of World Blvd is
access=private, routing should avoid it.

I took a wrong turn and wound up on Backstage Drive once, had to turn around
at the CM-only gate. I wanted the next *thru* right, not *next* right, and
was overzoomed on GPS so non-thru-road still looked like a turn. :-)

As I understand it, the guest-access roads should be access=destination, and
cast-member parking  roads access=private.

@n1vux bill.n1...@gmail.com
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