As someone currently in the OSM US group, I thought I'd share what I hoped
we could accomplish:

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Richard Weait <> wrote:

> I'd like to see more discussion and guidance for the US local chapter.
> So, questions for the community:
> 1) What would you like to see the US local chapter do?

I want OSM US to improve the map as much as possible by doing the following:
- Let as many people in the US know about OpenStreetMap as possible
   - Draw more people to social events
   - Make it easier for new mappers to contribute
- Facilitate the use of OpenStreetMap data
   - Demonstrate the breadth and depth of OSM data by rendering a
US-specific map
   - Distribute data in formats and pieces that are easily digestible by
data consumers

> 2) Why should this be done by the local chapter, and not by individual
> mappers?

A local chapter can present itself to potential donor organizations and
interested mappers as a group rather than a cabal of disorganized mappers.

> 3) Why should this be done by the local chapter and not by the OSMF?

The OSMF is already busy enough. Having an organization that can focus on a
particular area means it can be more successful.
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