As towns are the primary division in MA that peole tend to use I'd like to add 
them to osm.  From what I can tell a few have been put in near NH as boundary 
relations (tyngsborough and dunstable) one has been put in as a closed way 
(stow) and 10 or so have been put in in the south west as multipolygon 
Looking for some suggestions on the best way to do it, seems to me after 
playing around a bit last night that it would be something along the lines of 
taking the town boundary arcs from massgis, probably simplifing them, deleting 
any arc already up (county boundery, state boundary coast), uploading those 
arcs as ways with boundary=admin and admin_level=8, add admin_level=8 to the 
current 4 and 6 ways, a/d then longer term putting in the relations.
Is there a better or easier way? Which of the 3 ways used so far is prefered 
(if any).  And if I wanted to add cambridge and boston neiborhoods how would I 
tag that (cambridge I made myself as cambridge gis somehow figured out how to 
embed a pdf inside a kml).
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