On 1/30/2012 10:22 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
On 1/29/2012 5:27 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
New Haven CT,

Much of the taint here (though probably not much on the cleanmap, which
only deals with newly-created ways) comes from ungood user Brian Tang
adding (IMO garbage) rtc_rate tags to TIGER ways so a site called "ride
the city" could render maps based on their opinion of how
bicycle-friendly a street is. If there are no objections, I will remove
these, and then we can see how it looks on OSM Inspector in a day or two.

I've done this, and there are now a whole bunch of harmless ways: http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/?view=wtfe&lon=-72.91483&lat=41.29438&zoom=13&baselayer=None&overlays=wtfe_line_harmless

New Haven still needs a bunch of work, however.

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