> From: Serge Wroclawski [mailto:emac...@gmail.com]
> Seattle importer, please read!)
> Getting back to the current TIGER expansion, I decided it would be a
> mistake to try a large scale import without having some way of ensuring
> that the uploads were being done correctly, and so I've been working on
> a queue based uploader. It will take these issues into account, handle
> retries, etc. 

Not to discourage you from the queue based uploader which would be generally
useful, is it necessary in this case?

When you have an interrupted import you don't know what you have to still
upload without some work. In the name expansion case, couldn't you generate
a new extract and run the code again? Many bulk-modification and
bulk-deletion process can be run safely multiple times and I imagine this
one could too. 

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