On 5/29/2012 10:00 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

On 05/29/12 11:57, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
*Most railways have passenger service. Thus OCM (and the transport map)
show all rail lines.

But isn't a railway an obstacle for cyclists no matter what services
they support?

Sure. But that would support their being shown at close zooms, not all the way out at 7.

On 5/29/2012 10:16 AM, James Umbanhowar wrote:
> Many tracks are quite usable by bikes with big tires, e.g. mountain bikes.

Agreed. But so is every paved road. What OCM does is give more prominence to a track (even one marked access=private!) than a residential street, for example right in the middle of here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=28.3866&lon=-81.2697&zoom=13&layers=C

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