On 7/21/2012 5:51 PM, Evin Fairchild wrote:
Would it work to do an import of TIGER 2011 data for most of the affected
area?  The TIGER 2011 data is much improved over the data from the original
TIGER import that took place several years ago, and it would be a great way
to get both the roads and the road names back on OSM.  It would be much less
tedious than having to re-draw and retrace everything, but we would have to
make sure that the roads would be connected to other roads at intersections,
and that we wouldn't be uploading any roads that are already there.  What
does everyone think of my idea?

For "City block areas" and subdivisions, this is certainly one of the easiest ways: remove, then bring those areas in from TIGER 2011 and connect the intersections.

This is not advisable for more major roads, which may already have relations, speed limits, lane count and other attributes already added.

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