On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>wrote:

> I've been doing some work in the North Cascades National Park. It appears
> that the border between the US and Canada is wrong.  Look at
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=48.9841&lon=-121.743&zoom=13&layers=M
> It appears that the boarder sags to the south. I see tags man_made =
> survey_point which would indicate that the border placement is correct. Can
> anyone recommend how to validate the border placement?

It appears to be correct. If you zoom in on the Bing imagery, you can see
that the border coincides with a strip of land that has been cleared of
vegetation: the "border vista". If you wanted to further validate it, you
could check that the survey points match those published by the Boundary

The border does not follow the 49th parallel exactly:

Clearly, some of the other boundaries in the area (e.g. the Mt. Baker -
Snoqualmie National Forest multipolygon) are incorrect and should be
sharing the same way.

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