I think the most necessary cleanup to the USA OSM data is to clean up all
the crazy unedited original Tiger roads.

These can easily be identified simply as those ways that have a name but
are still the original Tiger data and have not been edited. (except for the
balrog-kun bot). You could just identify spots not closer together than
(say) 1 mile and that would allow the editor to have a nice piece of real
estate to clean up each time.
It is quite fun doing this since (with the help of TIGER 2012) overlay and
Bing imagery, it is usually possible to determine which road goes where and
you see an enormous improvement in the map for relatively small efforts.

If the remap-a-tron identifies an area where all the original; TIGER data
was correct, then no problems, we just flag it as good and move on, but at
least that area has now been eyeballed by a real person who probably will
be able to add in a few new TIGER 2012 roads if they have the overlay
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