I assume we should target these activities towards mappers of medium
or lower skill?

One task I can think of doing is to find newer roads that weren't in
the original TIGER data and adding them in, preferably in areas
without active mappers. But I assume not many participants would be
able to handle a whole county's worth of raw TIGER data for manual
conflation. The TIGER 2012 road name tiles on the other hand might be
a useful tool for this.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Matthias Meißer <dig...@arcor.de> wrote:
> Hi US community,
> so now the details of the next global mapathon are fixed:
> It's called "operation cowboy" and covering the weekend *23.11-25.11* so
> every local team should have a fair chance to join in.
> Tomorrow I would like to announce it to the whole community, but some things
> are still missing.
> But as this is a community project, I need your help, as there is still a
> lot of work and of course you are the locals:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Operation_cowboy
> 1. *Mission statement:*
> You should discuss, what people should do. Adding details is very general,
> but what is interesting? (buildings, landuse, ...) How can TIGER get
> improved without creating more worse data by strangers?
> We would need 2..3 sentences for motivation and a bigger text for the /join
> page. (TIGER catalogue see down).
> 2. *Target areas in tasking server:*
> Where should we work? Let there enough space for everybody to edit (last
> NOTLM was 200guys working) but keep in mind that we from the rest of the
> world, have no idea about US in general and where it might be helpful to add
> details (so everybody would pick a random place).
> Simon was kind to allow to use his OSM tasking server to manage the areas:
> http://rebuild.poole.ch
> You will need admin rights, so it would be great if 2..3 people would do
> this job of entering suggested areas
> (BTW should we now add a "orga team" tab for who is who?)
> 3. *Short TIGER problem guide/gallery:*
> Need a very short (people are lazy!) page about what’s usually wrong with
> TIGER. Using images only with Top5 bugs would be fine, e.g. so people
> learning fast that TIGER is usually bad placed and can be wrong for >10meter
> 4. *Further Imagery*
> Is there other or better imagery than Bing for certain areas? How can we
> promote this to the other volunteers?
> 5. *OSMF sponsoring*
> I already contacted OSMF Communications working group to see if the
> foundation would sponsor local parties to buy junkfood, drinks etc. (still
> no response) Last year the german FOSSGIS gave 50Eur (~65USD) for all
> parties (~5) which was very ok and a good motivation for local organisers.
> If this fails, could we get sponsoring by other companies (or would they
> like to cater a own local party and invite mappers?)
> 6. *More social media channels:*
> Can anybody start and maintain further accounts as facebook, ...? A logo
> will come if Ken returns at end of the week, but maybe you could start a
> skeleton so we could start promotion in 1..2 weeks. Personally I will put my
> focus on Twitter only (sorry lack of time).
> *Later stuff:*
> - Checking and translating final wiki pages next days
> - Announce to US media in 2..3 weeks
> - Creating a "thank you"-photo poster of all remote mapping teams
> - Creating a thank you video? Anybody with compositing/cutting skills?
> Ok that's the start. It would be very helpful if some of you would helping
> by coordinating some of this aspects. In every case I'm glad to assist you,
> but it's just to much for a single (foreign) person.
> I guess this will become fun :)
> bye,
> Matthias
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