I suggest you start your proposal with a problem statement and then explain
how your solution solves the problem. Otherwise it looks to me to be a
solution looking for a problem. Do we have any data to suggest that the
current street addresses do not work? Why is it just a US problem?

If you provide a problem statement then we can have a discussion about 1)
is it a real problem and how big is it and 2) what is the best way to solve
the problem.


On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Steven Johnson <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Following up on an action from SotM-PDX, I've posted a proposal for
> expanded tagging for addresses, primarily in the US (though it may have
> application in other countries). The intent of the tags is to 1) improve
> the description of US addresses, and 2) provide greater flexibility for
> local mappers. These tags are necessary because unlike other countries, the
> US has no nationwide house numbering/street naming standard. These tags
> provide more granularity for local mappers and hopefully, will reduce much
> of the ambiguity and confusion with addresses in localities with widely
> varying address schemes.
> I invite your comments and discussion on the proposed tags. Thanks.
> -- SEJ
> -- twitter: @geomantic
> -- skype: sejohnson8
> "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
> -- Einstein
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I have promised to cut down on my swearing and drinking, which I have.
 Unfortunately, this has left me dim-witted and nearly speechless. Adapted
from *The Lion* by Nelson DeMille


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
 Albert Einstein
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