On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Toby Murray <toby.mur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com> wrote:
>> Serge -
>> Have you thought of simple ways of visualizing the bot changes? Would be 
>> awesome to have a map of that, no? How would we go about this? Will the bot 
>> produce a list of way id's that have been changed? Or would we just extract 
>> them afterwards by looking at changeset comments?
> Well as a quick hack I ran the Kansas extract from Geofabrik through
> the bot and then put all the modified ways on a map. I just reused the
> style from my post-redaction-bot "missing highway" map so it could use
> some tweaking but as a rough first draft:
> http://ni.kwsn.net/~toby/OSM/maps/expansion-bot.html
> Obviously Kansas was already expanded so not very many ways are going
> to be affected by the new bot. I guess I might try to add a state out
> east although I imagine it will just be a solid sea of red and not
> that useful without some additional tweaking.
> After the bot runs, it should be possible to make a similar map based
> on actual changeset data.

Well, just for giggles I added Maine. As expected, it is a giant red
slab. I don't think this particular visualization has much use,
really. Thoughts?


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