On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Greg Troxel <g...@ir.bbn.com> wrote:
> Based on reaction to the mass buildings import (perceived as way too
> fast, and I agree), I would suggest that you have a 2 week review period
> From the latest time that there is either
>  - a change in the processing script
>  - new data being available
>  - a substantive change in the procedure
> I think it also makes sense to do the import into the dev server and let
> people look at how it came out there.  If it's not right, no real harm
> done.

Fair enough. The borders and parks data is simple enough (under 90
ways) that I was just going to get it out of the way but I can wait.
And like I said, the address file needs a fair bit of work anyway. I
will definitely send an update when I get closer to having a finished
product there. So at this point I guess nothing is likely to happen
until January.


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