Okay, so I didn't do the density thing yet, but I've made some other additions 
to the TIGER green map that I think are worth mentioning.

I squashed the greens and inverted the blacks so that the map is more legible, 
potentially easier to print, and less confusing in the difference between the 
no-editors and yes-editors areas. The URLs are all still the same and the map 
is here:

If you see any black tiles, clear your cache. The old version is now here:

I'm starting to add SEO-friendly, single-geography views. I'm just getting 
started, using counties at first. Every county in the lower 48 will be 
accessible via a URL like one of these:

The county views are open to suggestions, and quite low on detail for the 
moment. What should go on there?


On Jan 6, 2013, at 5:51 PM, Michal Migurski wrote:

> Thanks Steve!
> I think that would be possible, yeah. I already use object density as one of 
> the inputs here, and could use it to tweak the greens somewhat. The colors 
> need a second pass.
> -mike.
> On Jan 4, 2013, at 3:00 PM, Steve Coast wrote:
>> Mike
>> Nice.
>> Could you use relative object density per little square as a proxy for 
>> population density?
>> I ask because all the bright green areas near me are forests or old milk 
>> farms. I don’t care. I want to see high density areas and attack those as a 
>> priority since that’s where people are and where they go...
>> Steve
>> From: Michal Migurski <m...@teczno.com>
>> Sent: January 3, 2013 7:03 PM
>> To: OpenStreetMap US Talk <talk-us@openstreetmap.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] More on TIGER: Where it's likely safe to import
>> On Dec 17, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Michal Migurski wrote:
>>> On Dec 16, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
>>>> Have you looked into full history planet parsing to get a fuller
>>>> picture of editing history? I took a stab at full history user metrics
>>>> some time ago using osmjs;
>>>> https://github.com/mvexel/OSMQualityMetrics/blob/master/UserStats.js -
>>>> this produces one set of metrics for the entire .osh file you feed it
>>>> but it may prove useful for future work. I haven't touched this in a
>>>> while but it should still work :/
>>> I have downloaded a copy and given it a beginning look. I'm new to parsing 
>>> things of that magnitude; my first thought was to use the full history file 
>>> for creations/modifications/deletions on nodes and add that to what I'm 
>>> doing already for ways on the osm2pgsql tables. Does that sound reasonable?
>> Over the holiday break, I've been grinding through the full history file. 
>> I'll write more about the process and publish some raw data, but the short 
>> version is that I've replaced the Green Means Go tiles with new versions 
>> that incorporate edits to the underlying nodes, address some of the feedback 
>> I've received, and show a slightly different map of the US.
>> New map:
>>        http://www.openstreetmap.us/~migurski/green-means-go/
>> Old map:
>>        http://www.openstreetmap.us/~migurski/green-means-go-2012-12-16/
>> Charlotte Wolter and NE2 both pointed out that Florida should see a lot more 
>> post-import editing that I had originally shown, and in fact that's what the 
>> map now shows:
>> http://www.openstreetmap.us/~migurski/green-means-go/#9/28.3213/-81.6257
>> http://www.openstreetmap.us/~migurski/green-means-go-2012-12-16/#9/28.3213/-81.6257
>> Urban fringe areas also show more edits, making them less attractive targets 
>> for blind imports:
>> http://www.openstreetmap.us/~migurski/green-means-go/#10/37.7707/-122.3451
>> http://www.openstreetmap.us/~migurski/green-means-go-2012-12-16/#10/37.7707/-122.3451
>> I've also stripped away the US coastal territory based on NLCD water 
>> designation, per SteveC's suggestion.
>> These massive edits to counties in Pennsylvania are interesting to me:
>>        http://www.openstreetmap.us/~migurski/green-means-go/#8/40.918/-77.146
>> -mike.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
>> sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html
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> michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
> sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html
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