I largely agree with Minh and SteveA.  I would like to further emphasize
that ref tags on ways should appear natural to locals, and some ambiguity
or omissions are acceptable.  There are use cases which might want to
include this kind of route data, but not as a critical component of the
map, such as a locator map for a business advertisement, or a utility's map
of copper wire thefts in 2012.  A simple text label like "I-70/71" or
"I-465" or "SR 68" is just fine in those cases. In fact, I oppose
deprecating the ref tag on ways, specifically to support such simple use
cases. Consumers who want their maps to show routes correctly, completely,
and unambiguously, can do this more efficiently by parsing route relations
and avoid a lot of headaches in the process.
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