I know that in the past there has been some interest in RAGBRAI among
OpenStreetMappers (if you're not familiar with RAGBRAI it's best
described as a week-long moving party where to have to ride your
bicycle from party location to party location).  The detailed route
was announced last week, so I thought that it would be interesting to
study the route in more detail by building up a route relation in OSM:


On one day there's an optional route (called the Century Loop or the
Karras Loop) that brings the day's ride to 100 miles if you take it
instead of the normal route:


The route between towns is pretty well fixed, but the route through
larger towns might be adjusted later.

I'm hoping that I can attract some armchair mappers to help fix up the
TIGER deserts that the route goes through.  Bing has pretty good
aerial coverage of the entire route so it should be fairly easy to
align the streets and clean up any obvious errors.  I'll be doing what
I can between now and the end of July, but there's a lot of work to be

Also, what's the best way to share this with non-OSM people?  The
route is starting to be rendered on OpenCycleMap, except that it
doesn't show up at the scale I would need to show the whole route (and
might get confused with other routes in the region).  The following
URL doesn't work for me for some reason:


I tried both Firefox and Chrome and the map area just stays blank...

Jeff Ollie

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