
Some guesses :-)

1. node, ref=xxx
2. node, addr:housenumber
3. node, place=locality, name=xxx
4. node, tourism=camp_site, name=xxx


Try using turbo overpass (http://overpass-turbo.eu/) , and look for
campsites over large areas (perhaps in Europe), and see what people
are doing. Let us know what you find!


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Tod Fitch <t...@fitchdesign.com> wrote:
> re: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=34.81433&lon=-119.1004&zoom=17&layers=M
> Back in November of 2010 AM909 mapped much of the McGill
> campground using amenity=parking and ref=SiteNumber to show
> individual campsites. See, for example
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/988132518/history
> This seems wrong to me. About like mapping each driveway
> in a subdivision with a parking icon. However I have not
> found a better solution on the wiki nor by searching taginfo.
> The closest I've come is this discussion on the talk-ca
> archives:
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ca/2010-August/003211.html
> with an example at
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/5500386
> I like the idea of using addr:housenumber=SiteNumber but the
> use of addr:city=CampgroundName as well as
> addr:street=CampgroundName seems suspect to me. I think this
> was done so that the location could be searched for using
> geographic queries, but isn't that a bit like "tagging for
> the renderer"?
> What would be the best practice for this in the US?
> Thanks!
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