Affectionately, in memory.

First: In the State of Colorado it is now unsafe to be within roughly the
area of I-25 to the east, bounded by El Paso/Douglas/Elbert county lines on
the north, and by Highway 24 on the east!  Please heed all evacuation


I am deeply saddened to inform the community that it has been confirmed that
two (2) individuals were unable to escape the Black Forest Fire burning
Northeast of Colorado Springs, CO. [1] and died while trying to evacuate.  I
directly apologize to anyone who my words affect emotionally, I have been
told I can be overly technical and miss the human side of the story.


To be frank, being born and raised in Colorado, this is the most extreme
humanitarian event conceivable for my neighbors.  I again ask the OSM-US
community to lend a moment (or as much as possible) to map the 'area of
concern' [1].


Again, only remote mapping is suggested at this time.  Local knowledge to
interpolate addressing would be an absolutely amazing advantage of OSM
versus other mapping platforms, please refer to the wiki[2]; and if
'mentors' are available, please look at the changesets and you should see
the 'newbies' who are doing their best but could use some guidance.


P.S. I think it would still be beneficial to use the HOT Tasking Manager,
even to simply have HOT 'experts' verify that the 'square' is 'mapped to 'US




Russell Deffner

russdeffner on OSM


For issues directly related to American Red Cross Operations (I am not
officially assigned to the DRO) please email me at -


[1]Black Forest Fire, General Area: 

[2]OSM wiki: 


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