I've been doing a lot of work on the FM and RM roads already.  The RM's should 
all be done already.  The FM roads are done for everything west of I-35, except 
for the Panhandle, where I was just straightening and not adding relations.  
Anything I've worked on Everything is done generally north of I-30 and south 
I-10, and a good section of East Texas.  It's slow and methodical.  Check my 
changesets for examples.  The Interstates, US Routes, and main State highways 
are already done.  My next step after FM's is the FM and RM spurs (!).  I 
haven't been adding anything to the wiki, as I didn't really feel there was a 
need and it increases the workload 10fold.

user: 25or6to4

>Curious if the network for RM and FM is consistently US:TX:FM for both,
>since they're both part of the same network.
>On Jun 19, 2013 10:52 AM, "Clay Smalley" <claysmal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Fortunately most of Texas has been done, but unfortunately the FM/RM roads
>> haven't been completed and there are quite a lot of them. I made a Mapcraft
>> to help add relations to them all: http://mapcraft.nanodesu.ru/pie/269
>> I've made a little progress in the Texas Panhandle but we definitely need
>> more people to help out if it's gonna get done.
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