On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 4:37 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> I don't know which "OSM board" but the OSMF board certainly didn't. The
> contrary is the case:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/**user_blocks/369<http://www.openstreetmap.org/user_blocks/369>
> I think it is time to follow this up with the student's superiors.

I think it is *also* time to create a supportable sustainable strategy for
future researchers or grad students.  While padeshahekhoban's survey was
poorly designed, the next one could be better.

A great first step could be collecting demographic information on mappers:

Birth year ________ [make public] [share in aggregate with researchers
only] [share with OSM admins & researchers]
Gender    ________ [make public] [share in aggregate with researchers only]
[share with OSM admins & researchers]
Employment Status [prisoner, pensioner, student, employed____hours]

A second step then could be taken: granting question access to well
designed surveys under a well defined set of rules.  Such surveys would be
"official", and come from an administrative account, and be sent to a *
representative* sample of mappers.

A base criteria should be knowing who the asker is.  User padeshahekhoban
school, adviser, and research project were not identified.  We can't even
necessarily contact his adviser.
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