I have been playing around with the tile size a little. Bigger tiles
means you end up looking around for what to improve once you load all
the data into JOSM. Also, bigger tiles means the results get flattened
more - a big tile with a small subdivision that needs a lot of work
may not be flagged very prominently. The smaller tiles have the
disadvantage you mention. The grid will get refreshed every week or
so, so even if you work in an adjacent tile and don't mark it done, it
will disappear from the grid anyway. I ended up with this size as a
trade off, I think it works well, so please take the leap :)

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us> wrote:
> Martijn,
> For the upcoming #Editathon, we plan to fix road alignment in Washington
> State. Eric Fischer pointed me to your Battle Grid website. I plan introduce
> it at the #Editathon. Originally I was just going to list cities and ask
> people to work on a city. However, you tool is much better. I'd like to make
> one request of you. Is it possible to increase the size of the color tiles?
> When opening in iD, they seem too small. You end up working on surrounding
> areas before you know it. Since iD automatically brings in new data as you
> scroll around, it's easy to be working in adjacent tiles. This isn't a show
> stopper by any means. If it's too much work or doesn't make any sense to
> you, just tell me to take a flying leap!
> Thanks,
> --
> Clifford
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch

Martijn van Exel

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