i've determined that a lot of the NY/PA border heading west
from the Delaware has issues where no one bothered to break
up and share the ways. and i've seen a lot of early work which
we would now consider mistagged. this all sort of plays together...

the ways in borders should probably not have any tags at all.
early borders frequently have a bunch of tags (type, admin level,
source). but ways can be in more than one border relation and
for rendering purposes they derive their appearance from
the relations that contain them.

relations should have the standard core tags, but they should
not have the mess of TIGER: tags they got from early imports
and they should not have source tags. source tags go on the
changeset (i have not been entirely consistent about this myself
and i apologize for that before anyone calls me on it.)

using URLs for sources turns out to be kind of useless, as things
move around on the net. a clear text description is better:

source=TIGER 2013 NY Places Shapefile

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