On 11/3/13 11:24 AM, Mike N wrote:
> On 11/3/2013 10:54 AM, Richard Welty wrote:
>> i've determined that a lot of the NY/PA border heading west
>> from the Delaware has issues where no one bothered to break
>> up and share the ways.
>  Or, in my case, since I have no access to the "accurate and correct
> border", and I have no idea where the border really is, I haven't
> touched any of them.
if you did want to work on them, the TIGER 2013 shapefiles are
a way to get going. they appear to be the best source of borders
available to us (short of the occasional cooperating County GIS
department). not perfect, but better than what's out there, and
so the map will be improved.


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