Ah, ok. I wasn't aware that Nominatim uses the address ranges as a 
fallback. I typically use the data exports offline in OsmAnd, and so 
don't see the address ranges from the TIGER data.

Does the Public Domain status mean that they can be used and imported 
into OpenStreetMap? I might start soon on adding addresses in Atlanta.

Saikrishna Arcot

On Thu 12 Dec 2013 11:50:25 AM EST, Ian Dees wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Saikrishna Arcot
> <saiarcot...@gmail.com <mailto:saiarcot...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I believe TIGER has some data on addresses; more specifically, it
>     has address ranges for each block (roughly). Currently, the US has
>     limited address info in OSM. Some cities have many businesses and
>     POIs with address data, so the data in the region might be
>     comparable with other mapping services. Is it possible to have a
>     bot/script that matches up TIGER roads with OSM roads and then add
>     in address ranges? That way, there is at least /some/ info about
>     addresses in OSM.
> The default OSM geocoder (nominatim) uses TIGER address ranges as a
> fallback when it can't find data in OSM, so we're already using TIGER
> data.
> It might be interesting to convert the address ranges to address nodes
> and then let local mappers line them up with houses, but that wouldn't
> be very precise.
> Another option is to spend time to collect address data from local
> municipalities and work on methodically importing them. I started this
> process and have collected a couple hundred address datasets here:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsVnlPsfrhUIdEVZTzVFalFYYnlvTkc0R05wcUpsWVE
> -Ian

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