On 12/12/13 12:19 PM, Mike N wrote:
> On 12/12/2013 11:50 AM, Ian Dees wrote:
>> Another option is to spend time to collect address data from local
>> municipalities and work on methodically importing them. I started this
>> process and have collected a couple hundred address datasets here:
>  Are all those negotiated as OSM license-compatible?  The #1 stumbling
> block I see on the imports list is getting the data owners to declare
> their data as having an OSM-acceptable set of license terms.
the NY stuff listed that comes from the NY GIS clearinghouse
is problematic; the clearinghouse agreement isn't
OSM compatible* so you have to negotiate with the
individual data providers (which are frequently the
County GIS departments). those negotiations are
frequently not very easy.


(* at least, it wasn't compatible about 2 years ago when i last
read through it. i would be stunned and amazed if it actually
changed for the better.)

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