Cam4rd98 is an interesting character, I'll say that. He's new and enthusiastic about mapping, but doesn't quite understand the conventions of OSM. I haven't had to talk to him recently, but previously he's been unresponsive to messages.

In this case, I'd say send him a message and delete the relation. If he notices it gone, maybe he'll read his inbox for once.

I concur with these Cam4rd98 characterizations as I have done similar coming to these conclusions.

OSM is a community. This includes communication amongst its members. Frequently, we reach consensus. We don't do that in a communications vacuum. Reverting changesets by knowledgeable and experienced contributors after shouting into the chasm of OSM citizenship is good work, especially as it is watched and supported by wider consensus. We are building an excellent working map here.

Let us well communicate intention. OSM doesn't work when it is considered a solo map, so we must listen. Consensus is essential, though only occasionally easy.


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