On Tue, Jan 7, 2014, at 06:19 PM, Kam, Kristen -(p) wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing in regards to the highway route relations representing US 59
> and US 281 in the state of Texas.
> For US Highway 59, I edited route relation 71232
> (http://osm.org/relation/71232). After editing said relation
> (1475243;http://www.osm.org/relation/1475243), I noticed there is a
> relation that has members that are also members to 71232.  Relation
> 1475243 is essentially a duplicate of 71232 and I would like to delete
> this relation from the database. I contacted a user (Cam4rd98) who
> previously edited 1475243 and mentioned the action the subject to
> him/her. To date, I have not received a response. Instead of following up
> with the user it was suggested to me that I ought to message the list.
> Therefore I am proposing to you all the removal of relation 1475243.
> In addition, I would like to remove relation 1475274
> (http://www.osm.org/relation/1475274) because its members are also
> members of relation 1628532 (http://www.osm.org/relation/ 1628532) and
> thus is a duplicate.
> Does anyone object to my proposal to remove both relations?

I don't think Cam4rd98 is still an active mapper.

If you are absolutely, positively sure they are duplicates, I say go
ahead and prune.

  Shawn K. Quinn

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