And I encourage you to ask "is this a one time import" or an "ongoing import"?
For your speed data a one time import might be OK.
For something like store locations, which change all the time, the data might just get stale in OSM.

The proper term for matching up data like this is 'conflation', and that sometimes involves one or more identifiers you'd call conflation keys or match targets. These could be database primary keys, road names, or route numbers.

See, Bryce, we do largely agree: we both wish to help Dave achieve his speed limit upload. Sometimes I "get something done in favor of nothing." Sometimes I go whole hog and get every last bit of it done (including researching web sites and phone numbers, and entering those, too).

In this case, I seem to be saying to Dave, "walk, if you please." (Manually import, but with eyes/mind open to improving skills TOWARDS automation). You seem to be saying to Dave "as you wish to run, here are vocabulary, help and ideas as to how." (There are likely good strategies to doing an import of these data -- here is how I might begin.) In my opinion, both are correct, and either of us could have given the others' advice. Dave would do well to consider both and move towards what works best both for him and for OSM.

Often, it's good to have multiple answers: chances of getting to the right one increase with options. Yes, complexity of choosing does, too. But that's a small cost, and I know I prefer having options to choose from.

Dave, one thing to consider along the lines of what Bryce is asking you is: do you intend to keep these data up-to-date in OSM as they may change in the future? This might change how you approach uploading the data. (Manually, as a formal import, as a formal import with a good eye towards future updates, et cetera).


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