Thanks for the great info.  I'll definitely check out the Speed_limit
page for tips.

Also, I know that the data is largely good, partly because it _is_ the
Traffic Code and therefore is the legal origin of the speed limits of
the county, but mostly because I use many of the roads on there and every 
one that I've checked out matches what I know and remember.

I can certainly enter data manually--like I said, I've made several edits
here and there over the last couple of years--but I was hoping to find
someone who is somewhat authoritative about mass changes.  I'm pretty
good with scripting and can probably not only extract the useful info
from the PDF (the document is here: ) but
could probably also parse an OSM extract to match up the ways and nodes
that need to be changed.  But I don't know what to do with the information
or how to get it back into OSM in a "safe" way.

So, if there's anyone out there who can assist me with that, too, that'd
be great.  :-)


On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 03:36:48PM -0800, stevea wrote:
> Hello Dave:
> In California, the California Public Records Act or CPRA (1) and 
> recent court cases (2, 3) make data published by our government 
> (public) entities consistent with OpenStreetMap's license.  This went 
> all the way to the California Supreme Court and is established 
> statute, and so is essentially legally unassailable.
> I (and I believe the greater OSM community) welcome your input of 
> these data into OSM.  This is done by adding the correct speed_limit 
> tags to the appropriate ways:  don't forget to add MPH otherwise the 
> units are assumed to be km/h.  See 
> for our documentation.
> You might also want to take a look at existing tagging on roadways 
> near you using the handy map at which 
> shows existing speed_limit tagging in OSM via a custom renderer built 
> especially for that purpose.  For example see US-101 north of Cal 
> Poly and California State Route 58 through Santa Margarita.
> It couldn't hurt to travel to the closest road and "check consistency 
> of published data against on-the-ground reality."  Use this as a 
> guide to judge for yourself the quality of the data.
> If you trust the data, give a local roadway a try by entering it into 
> OSM and see if you like the way the results look (in the itoworld 
> map), and then take it from there.  You might continue to manually 
> add more, you might want to posit an import to the wider community 
> (and get help, or do it yourself), you might point others to the data 
> you have found and ask them to do an import.  But again, I welcome 
> you to enter the data into OSM and "enjoy" the results!
> SteveA
> California
> (1) California Government Code, section 6250 et seq
> (2) County of Santa Clara vs. California First Amendment Coalition, 
> Court of Appeal Sixth Appellate District #H031658, Super. Ct. No. CV 
> 072630, (2009) where the court held "the CPRA contains no provisions 
> either for copyrighting (this work of geographic data) or for 
> conditioning its release on an end user or licensing agreement by the 
> requester.  The record thus must be disclosed as provided in the 
> CPRA, without any such conditions or limitations."
> (3)  Finally, in the Supreme Court of California, Sierra Club vs. 
> Superior Court of Orange County (S194708) ruled that "digital mapping 
> files known as geographic information systems must be released under 
> the state's public records law."  (2013)
> See 
> as well as 
> >I'm new to this mailing list, but have contributed little changes here
> >and there for almost two years in San Luis Obispo county, California.
> >
> >I'd like to contribute more: specifically, speed limit info.  I recently
> >stubled across a document put out by the county Public Works department
> >that summarizes all of the county traffic codes, including the speed
> >limits of all county-maintained roads, and I would like to find out more
> >about how to incorporate this.  I have no illusions that my first act should
> >be to do a mass update or anything, but I think that if I knew what would
> >be useful information to provide, I could extract and process the data from
> >this document and give the data to someone else who does know what they're
> >doing.
> >
> >What should be my first step(s)?

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