On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>wrote:

> "Weird" is a matter of opinion, but I only know of Farm Road (FM), Ranch
> Road (RM or RR), Park Road (PR), the one-off NASA Road 1 (which I can
> concede is a bit unusual), the semi-standard Spur and Loop, and "normal"
> state highway. Am I missing any?

Texan here. Off the top of my head:

FM (Farm to Market)
RM (Ranch to Market)
Park Road
Recreational Road

And the one-off routes:
Beltway 8
NASA Road 1

I know that the MapQuest Open renderer recognizes a lot of these without
the road being in a relation (which is super useful, because Texas has a
lot of roads and it's difficult, and in my opinion unnecessary, to make a
relation for each one). Because of this, I'm hesitant to change the ref=*
tags of these roads.
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