Congratulations to you and the team, Martijn. This is awesome to see this
work come to fruition!

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 2:30 AM, Martijn van Exel <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> At Telenav we have started making the switch to OSM today, as you may have
> seen around the web and twitter.
> I am really excited about this, not only because I have been working at
> Telenav for the past two years to help make this happen, but also because
> the project that I have been a proud contributor to for all these years has
> finally reached a stage where this is now possible.
> What does this mean for you? Well first and foremost, you can now use
> Scout, a commercial grade navigation app that is used by tons of people
> every day, to get around, knowing that it is powered by your favorite map.
> The iOS version is undergoing the OSM switch right now, the Android version
> will switch in June.
> As an OSM contributor, you will of course start noticing that your OSM
> edits will make it into Scout. Not right away, like the map on;
> we currently update our maps every two weeks. That will get better as we
> get more comfortable with the rapid update cycles. Also, not all OSM edits
> make it into Scout. Most importantly, Scout search results are not powered
> by OSM yet. This is likely to change in the future, but I don’t know when
> yet.
> We have done a good chunk of work improving OSM to be ready for this,
> mostly in the very same way everyone here improves the map: by opening up
> our favorite editors and manually editing the data[1]. But also by
> analyzing the data and pointing out errors, which we have started to feed
> to MapRoulette. Speaking of which, I have had the opportunity to work on
> MapRoulette quite a bit, as well as other smaller  things such as the
> Battle Grid, Relation Pages and Brave Mappers. I mostly hear these things
> are useful, and we value all your feedback enormously as we think of more
> ways to support the project.
> But more than anything really I want to say thank you! Thank you first and
> foremost for being the great mapping community that makes OpenStreetMap
> what it is - not only the best map of the world, but also a place to make
> friends and have fun. And thank you for being patient with us. Along the
> way, we have at times bombarded this list with questions and suggestions on
> how to improve certain aspects of OSM, and we have relied on your wisdom to
> help us make sane decisions in our efforts to improve OSM.
> This process surely does not end with today’s switch - if anything, we’re
> just getting started. There is a lot more we can do to help improve the
> map, especially now that we are getting so many eyes on it. And there is
> probably a lot more to learn for us along the way. I am looking forward to
> it.
> Drop me a line if you have any questions or comments, or to let me know
> your experience with Scout. Looking forward to hearing from you!
> Martijn
> [1] See my colleague Kristen talk more about that in her SOTM US talk:
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