Am 03.06.2014 10:42, schrieb Minh Nguyen:
> On 2014-06-02 13:24, Simon Poole wrote:
>> @stevea you would substantially help your cause if the route data was
>> available for inspection, best a public source from where it could be
>> obtained.
> Here are the special committee minutes approving the routes (along with
> various U.S. route modifications):
> <>
> Each USBR approval links to an application by a state DOT containing a
> full route log, to wit:
> USBR 1 (MA):
> <>
> USBR 10 (WA):
> <>


Route USBR 10 nicely illustrates my point about GIGO. It starts of in
untouched TIGER country and continues. Implying that nothing has been
surveyed along the route, clearly requiring large amounts of clean up
before even thinking about adding the roads to a route relation (well at
least if you don't want the relation to break n-times when somebody
actually does the clean up).

Further the area not being surveyed implies that all the value add that
we can offer a cyclist is not there (surface, lanes, shoulders etc).


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