Hi all!

We launched Scout for iOS powered by OpenStreetMap a little over a
month ago now, followed by the Android version in early June. While
the feedback in general has been overwhelmingly positive, I am really
curious to hear about your experiences. Have you tried Scout? What are
your impressions? Have you given any feedback using the map error
reporting function in the app?

Nothing major to report from our side. We're looking closely at the
map feedback coming in through the apps. Our main objective right now
is to make sure the feedback we get is useful so we can fix OSM based
on it where necessary. Of course, we would like to involve you in that
process - either through MapRoulette, or OSM notes, or some other
means - but right now there is too much 'noise' for that to work
without us looking at every report first. Which is what we are doing.
You may see the odd note appear on the map as a result of this. (see
an example here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/187143)

Some other OSM related things we're working on currently:
* We are fixing ways in OSM that are marked with fixme=dual
carriageway (or a variant thereof).
* We are adding exit_to information to selected stretches of freeway
* We are working on getting fresh data to Scout users faster
(currently 2 weeks).
* I am working on improving MapRoulette - specifically better statistics

As always, feel free to email me directly with questions, feedback or concerns!

Martijn van Exel
OSM data specialist

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