On 6/23/2014 3:15 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
We launched Scout for iOS powered by OpenStreetMap a little over a
month ago now, followed by the Android version in early June. While
the feedback in general has been overwhelmingly positive, I am really
curious to hear about your experiences. Have you tried Scout? What are
your impressions? Have you given any feedback using the map error
reporting function in the app?

I've finally got Scout installed on IOS and working the way I'd like to use it. I have a few notes:

1. After reviewing the tags in the Wiki that are noted - I see that highway=service is not used for through routing. In one case I've seen, that could still be useful if there is no other way to exit a space such as this:


From "A", I was advised to just go to S Pleasantburg Drive, whereas Skobbler tells you turn by turn. From point A, there are 1 or more parking_aisle + driveway segments to traverse before coming to the roundabout and a named road.

2. A very minor thing: When it got to "Douglas W Brister Boulevard", the voice announced it as "Douglas West Brister Blvd" :-) Otherwise the text to speech works very well - is there any way to hint that the W is not a directional?

3. If it advises to "keep left" on a 2 lane road, oneway=no, I'm assuming that the number of lanes isn't marked and that if the lanes=2 was added, that the "keep left" would be omitted for that case.

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