
It's great you reached out to the user. The DWG is really the best
place for such complaints/concerns at this point. The email for the
DWG  is

I've forwarded your email to the DWG and you should receive a reply
about it shortly from a DWG member (most likely myself).

- Serge

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Peter Dobratz <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed the following changeset which touches UPS Store objects across the
> whole contiguous United States:
> I have contacted user andrewpmk inquiring about communications prior to
> making this change and I have not received a response.
> After checking a few of the objects, it looks like this change removed
> "shop=copyshop" and added "amenity=post_office".  I don't necessarily
> disagree with this change.  In my mind I had been reserving post_office for
> entities controlled by the government-run United States Postal Service, but
> after reading the wiki I see that private companies can be also designated
> as post_office, and the UPS Store certainly fulfills many of the same
> functions as government-run post offices.
> I don't think that sweeping changes like this across large geographic areas
> should be made without communication of some kind.  One option would be
> sending OSM Messages to all of the users whose work is being changed.
> Another option would be sending a message to this talk-us mailing list.
> Is there some other communication channel that I'm not aware of?
> Thanks,
> Peter
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