I have what may be a seriously weird question.

I've been trying to clean up my GPS tracks and enter data for the Northville-Placid Trail in the Adirondacks. In the rare places that the trail does appear in TIGER, the data are wildly wrong, so I'm rerouting and retagging as I go. I'm also trying to create a route relation for the trail, since it has roadwalk sections.

The trail, being a wilderness trail (there are spots on it that are a good twenty miles from the nearest drivable road), has some "interesting" features.

In at least one place (44.07447,-74.28335, says GPS) the trail crosses an unnamed tributary of Pine Brook on a beaver dam that is visible in aerial images. https://flic.kr/p/pFf3TV Hikers who don't quite believe that the trail would do such a thing have created a use path extending up- and downstream that peters out in both directions. So - What's appropriate tagging for a way that uses a beaver dam?

In several other places, destroyed bridges either serve as landmarks https://flic.kr/p/oJrAXF or even have had the stone of their footings repurposed to create a ford https://flic.kr/p/poN2vf . Is there tagging that makes sense for this situation?

Is it considered acceptable to delete ways that came in from TIGER and appear never to have existed? In this case, I speak of roads shown in TIGER where I've hiked across the routes and seen no sign of even an abandoned road - and I use century-old abandoned grades for off-trail hiking fairly often. I know what to look for even when the roadbed is grown to trees. For instance, to my eye, it's obvious that https://flic.kr/p/nouCUC was once a road. In some cases, I can't imagine what the TIGER people were smoking (and wish they'd share!).

73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

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