On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 11:00 PM, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us>

> Seattle has very defined neighborhoods and even sub-neighborhoods. The
> prior discussions kept us from adding the boundaries. Maybe it is time to
> reconsider. The Mapzen effort to produce a boundaries overlay is a
> promising solution to the problem, but I haven't heard anything from Mapzen
> for a while.

We had been working on such a project, but have shelved it for now. It
started as an instance of the OSM API that would hold TIGER boundary data,
and later became a Github org with admin boundaries stored as simplified
GeoJSON [1]. The idea was that we'd have a repo for each authoritative
source of open boundary data, and then community editable repos for less
authoritative boundaries like neighborhoods. Github and GeoJSON seemed to
be a good model for this that people understood.

We've changed course to publish existing OSM boundaries in different
formats, similar to the metro extracts [2], although this is not live yet.
The theory is that if we make the data more accessible to people for
visualization, they'll improve it.

We'd be open to working on boundaries again, but it would be better to do
it as a bigger group.

[1] https://github.com/boundaryissues
[2] https://mapzen.com/metro-extracts
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